Banana Avocado (6+ Months)

Banana Avocado (6+ Months)

A very practical, very tasty, soft and slippery recipe for babies with full texture... It will be like a medicine for babies trying to get used to additional foods from breast milk. Banana is very rich in fiber and potassium, the most beloved of babies :) The benefits of avocado are innumerable. If you wish, you can take a look at my article on the Benefits of Avocado for Babies . This recipe is the easiest way to feed avocados to babies and children, I bet you dear Chef Moms :)


  • 1 ripe banana
  • Half ripe avocado


  • The avocados are peeled and the middle seed is removed. It is mashed with a fork. If it doesn't mash with a fork, your avocado is not ripe enough. Don't give that avocado to the baby. Ripe an unpeeled grain as I mentioned in my previous post.
  • Mash the banana with a fork and mix until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Prepare a super practical, satisfying, delicious and healthy meal for little gourmets without tools such as blender, glass grater, wire strainer :)

Check out my other avocado recipes:

Semolina Avocado (6+ Months)

Avocado with Apple Juice (6+ Months)

Avocado with Yogurt (6+ Months)

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.