Avocado with Apple Juice (6+ Months)

Avocado with Apple Juice (6+ Months)

Your little gourmet will love and eat avocado puree with plain olive oil or yogurt. But sometimes he doesn't. At this point, the creativity of mothers should come into play. If he didn't like it that way, we'll make him like it that way.


  • Quarter ripe avocado 

  • Half of an apple

  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil 


  • Squeeze the juice of half an apple on a glass grater or in a juicer.

  • Let's peel the avocado and mash it with a fork. If it's not lumpy, let's put it through a blender.

  • Let's mix apple juice, avocado and olive oil and present it to our baby.

Note 1 : Above 1 year old can use tangerine orange juice instead of apple juice. Crushed walnuts for the top... It tastes unbelievably delicious.

Note 2 : Is there an ingredient in this recipe that you do not follow the 3-day rule for? To rule out the risk of allergy, please try all the content beforehand with the rule of 3 days. Click for my blog post about the 3-day rule .

You can also try this recipe:  Avocado with Yogurt for Babies (6+ Months)

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.