Where and how do you store the eggs, Mothers?

Where and how do you store the eggs, Mothers?


*Should be stored in the original cardboard box. (retained moisture


*Should be stored in the original cardboard box. (as it retains moisture and delays spoilage)

*It should be stored inside the refrigerator, not on the refrigerator door. If we put it in the refrigerator door, the eggs will come into contact with the hot air every time we open and close them and quickly lose their freshness.

and delays spoilage)

*It should be stored inside the refrigerator, not on the refrigerator door. If we put it in the refrigerator door, the eggs will come into contact with the hot air every time we open and close them and quickly lose their freshness.

 *It should definitely be stored without washing. When washed, the outer dirt of the egg's shell can get inside through the small spaces called pores in its shell.


Another important detail is of course not to use broken eggs. . . . Putting them on the refrigerator door is also inconvenient in this sense, eggs that will come into contact with the hot air maybe a hundred times a day every time the door is opened. There's no point in putting it in the fridge this time. And because the eggs will move frequently, the freshness time will be shortened in my opinion. The same goes for milk and its products. . . . There is also the option to store it at room temperature, as in the markets. I find peace when I put it in the fridge, I don't know.

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