Regain Your Health While Losing Weight

Regain Your Health While Losing Weight

Although it is applied for multi-weight loss in intermittent fasting, its benefits are much more than that. 

First of all, being hungry for a long time affects our hormones in the first place, just as constantly snacking disrupts the functioning of hormones, hunger can make hormones work more effectively. The most important of these hormones is insulin. Contrary to popular belief, insulin's only task is not to carry the sugar in the bloodstream into our cells, for example, insulin is also a hormone responsible for fat storage, that is, a slightly lower level of insulin accelerates fat burning, thus helping us to lose weight.


Especially people with insulin resistance can gradually reduce the risk of diabetes with this type of feeding, there are also studies showing that it is effective in regulating blood sugar in people with diabetes, but if you are using medication or insulin, you should consider the risk of hypoglycemia and make a dose adjustment. It is useful not to switch to such an order without consulting, another formula that long fasts affect is growth hormone. While growth hormone is responsible for growth and development in childhood, its amount gradually decreases in adulthood, but its effects are great, especially due to its anti-aging effects. Some of these are the effects of fat burning on muscle gain and its duties on the immune system.However, these effects of intermittent fasting are generally seen during long fasts over 24-48 hours, so I am fasting for 14 hours while trying to lose weight, so don't think that I will never lose muscle because my growth hormone also increases!

The effects of what we eat on our metabolism are still significant.


Another effect of intermittent fasting is a concept that we hear a lot about Autophagy, especially with the spread of fasting programs in this interval.


Contrary to popular belief, autophagy does not occur only during hunger, but at a certain level, it is an event that is constantly repeated in the body.

So what is this autophagy? Autophagy is actually a repair mechanism of the body. For example, if there is a faulty protein produced, if there is damage to a certain part of a cell, it is called autophagy, which expresses all these repair and regeneration events such as repairing them and cleaning damaged cells.


Especially low-level stress-inducing events in the body increase autophagy, and the most practical way to do this is to starve the cells, and in the absence of nutrients, autophagy increases due to cellular stress.


We can stimulate this autophagy mechanism with intermittent fasting practices or with normal diets where we restrict our food intake, and with their repair and regeneration mechanism in this cellular dimension, we are actually protected against many diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes. many studies have observed, but how many hours of fasting has an ideal effect on autophagy on humans, we still do not know exactly, but we do know that moderate exercises also increase autophagy, that is, instead of starving for days because I am doing autophagy, we still do not know exactly. Perhaps we can achieve the same result when you choose an attractive fasting period and combine it with moderate activity or exercise.

The potential effect of hunger on cancer cells is one of the most discussed topics.

Cancer is the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in any organ or tissue, and we know that these cells need much more glucose, ie sugar, than healthy cells. me? We have just mentioned that the body enters a repair and transformation process with the stress that occurs in the absence of food, it seems that during this process, the resistance of healthy cells to stress increases, while the stress and resistance of cancerous cells decreases in the absence of food during starvation, however, as an extra effect, with hunger. our immune system elements can work more actively.

However, unfortunately, the studies were mostly carried out on animals, and in practice, can the application of fasting diets on cancer patients cause more harm than benefit in the long run? It may come to mind in the form of questions, however, in a few of the studies conducted in humans, fasting applications increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy in patients with chemotherapy and

There are studies showing that it also reduces side effects.


Another effect of intermittent fasting was seen in animal studies on brain functions, that long fasting periods led to the formation of new nerve cells and new connections between them in the brain of mice. For example, in one study, mice were divided into two groups, while one group was given a high-fat diet for 11 months. The group was subjected to fasting every other day and at the end of 11 months, it was observed that the learning abilities of the mice in the fasting group increased.

In another study, mice were given a 16-hour fasting period for three months and as a result of the study, it was observed that a chemical called BDNF increased in the brain.

It enables the formation of new nerve cells in the brain and new connections between them, enlarges and improves the brain in a sense, in fact, we become more prone to depression.

One of the most effective ways to increase this substance in the brain is regular exercise.

So it is possible to develop the brain together with intermittent fasting and regular exercise.

In fact, studies on animals suggest that intermittent fasting practices can slow down the course of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

The most common usage area of ​​intermittent fasting is of course weight loss, this way of eating based on a single rule can sometimes be easier for us, just eat between certain hours and eat outside of it, in fact, when we do this, we automatically reduce snacks after dinner or disable breakfast. we are creating a calorie deficit, that is, we are using more of the energy we take in our body, so it can help to lose weight,However, it is also useful to say that in this way, time-restricted nutrition intermittent fasting practices have an extra benefit from the diets we apply by reducing the normal energy, and it is not indispensable. The biggest disadvantage is that I drank only water for two weeks. It is not a great success to say that I lost this much weight, because more than a few months of weight put in, probably much more is regained.

In summary, when we look at the effects of hunger on metabolism, of course, there are many potential benefits, maybe in the future, these will be programs applied for the treatment of certain diseases as studies on humans increase.

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