Starry Pea Soup (8+ Months)

Starry Pea Soup (8+ Months)

It is one of the pea dishes that Barlas eats with great appetite. Since this dish got the starred goodness from my son, then the name of the soup should be starry peas .

Note : If olive oil is used instead of butter in this recipe, milk becomes an allergic recipe.


  • 1 handful of peas
  • 1 tablespoon of fine bulgur
  • quarter onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • 1 teaspoon of mint


  • Onion and garlic are cut into tiny pieces and sautéed in a small saucepan with water.
  • Then, peas and bulgur are added, water is added to cover the ingredients by 3 fingers and cooked.
  • After cooking, butter is added and mixed.
  • It is blended in the appropriate time according to the degree of roughness. Enjoy our baby.

Click here for the Winter Vegetable Soup recipe, which is another soup you can feed your baby on cold winter days .

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